The Colombian midfielder, today at the León Club, attacks Iñigo Pérez, under whose orders he was in Rayo Vallecano
James Rodríguez failed to succeed in the Ray Vallecano And he went to Club León, Mexican team in which a new adventure starts and in which it has started with good foot. However, it seems that the Colombian international has not forgotten his sterile stage in the Vallecano team, in which Iñigo Pérez, current coach, did not give him the opportunities he expected.
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When asked about his lack of regularity in his last teams, he told his previous coaches: “In clubs they may no longer use a ’10’. Now football has changed a lot; they are more careful to the physical part and players They are very fast per band.
And now the Dardo arrives: “But I think there are still technicians who are intelligent and can play with ’10’. When you have someone with talent it is much easier that you believe opportunities and it is easier to win,” he said in statements to Fox Sports.
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