Jaime Chincha in ‘From fact to saying’ gives his opinion on the recent ruling by the Public Ministry that ordered the withdrawal of the book ‘Recognition of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law’ written by President Dina Boluarte because it concluded that there is plagiarism in its content . Although the crime has prescribed, the Prosecutor’s Office ordered the withdrawal of the copies from the National Library of Peru (BNP) as an administrative measure.
“The Prosecutor’s Office has ordered that the texts be removed, because it is plagiarism, we already understand why she is so close to Acuña, they have many similarities,” he said.
Likewise, he made an analysis of how Lima is heading toward 500 years. According to the survey presented, the problem that matters most to Lima residents is citizen insecurity, followed by the quality of public transportation and public cleaning and accumulation of garbage.
“Citizen insecurity has always emerged as the main problem, but in this case there was an uptick (…) in this case we see the great change that there was in public transportation, it was something that was debated a lot and was no longer in the debate because other important issues. The public transportation system was left aside and was degraded,” said Patricia Alata.
Lima Survey How Are We Going
Chincha emphasized the importance of staying alert when people walk on the street, because the increase in cell phone theft has become increasingly common.
“I get distressed because I see many people like that (with their cell phones), please don’t do it, I know that dopamine has contaminated us, that there is a need to look at Instagram, due to personal policy I don’t use my cell phone on the street.” “If it’s an emergency, I go into a store and there I see it, they take it from you because they’re focused on the screen, the number of cell phones that are stolen is impressive,” the journalist explained.
In addition, Patricia Alta highlighted that according to statistics there is an important group that looks for alternatives to the public transportation system when they have to carry out tasks such as carrying minors or someone who is sick, because transportation does not provide the comfort or ease to be able to get around. .
“Medical trips, to care for minors, recreational trips, like a certain group of citizens opt for alternatives because the transportation system does not offer adequate care spaces. It is impossible to transport a sick person on public transportation” Alata stated.