The Colombian Government sanctioned the law that allows divorce unilaterally, divorce with “the sole will of either spouse”reported the Presidency.
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The initiative, approved last November by Congress, was signed by the Minister of Justice, Ángela María Buitrago, and thus becomes the law of the Republic.
When it was approved, House Representative Katherine Miranda stated that it included a new cause for divorce, which is “the free will of the parties, which is when one of the parties does not want to continue with the marriage, love is over”.
Now, whoever seeks a divorce, “You don’t have to do it for reasons of domestic violence, alcoholism or things like that, and you don’t have to prove two years of not living together.”explained Miranda, speaker of the initiative.
(Also: Do you want to get divorced and don’t know if it’s time? Ask yourself these 10 questions).
The Green Alliance congresswoman added: “Simply from the moment that one of the parties wishes to separate, a process begins before a judge taking into account that absolutely all guarantees will be maintained in terms of distribution of assets, protection of the spouse and also the children”.
Before project approval, To get divorced in Colombia a person had to prove that there were extramarital sexual relations; failure to fulfill the duties that the spouses have; outrages and cruel treatment; alcoholism; drug addiction, and a serious or incurable disease or abnormality.
(Besides: If I do not live with my spouse for more than two years, is it grounds for divorce?).
They are also grounds for divorce in Colombia “any conduct of one of the spouses tending to corrupt or pervert the other”; demonstrate that they have not lived together for two years and the consent of the parties before a judge that they want to separate, according to Miranda’s team.