Seeking to offer a more efficient and higher quality service every day, the Dominican Electric Transmission Company (ETED) and the Technological Institute of the Americas (ITLA) will carry out a technological training project for the personnel and servers of this electrical institution in more than 20 technological careers, courses and diplomas.
Through the agreement, signed by the general administrator of ETED, Martin Robles Morilloand the rector of ITLA, Omar Mendez Lluberesagreed to make their best efforts and apply common policies in order to execute the professionalization and technological training project for the staff and other collaborators of the electric company.
Both institutions will have a strategic alliance to define actions that will allow bringing technological innovation to the ETED servers and to the general public, through knowledge in technological areas. ETED will assume the 80% cost of the total of technological careers, courses and workshops and the ITLA the other 20%.
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Engineer Robles Morillo indicated that “this agreement represents a step towards the goal of training and development of our collaborators; and a significant contribution of trained professionals to the country”.
Meanwhile, Méndez Lluberes congratulated the ETED initiative and highlighted the importance of institutions having a trained staff in the different areas of technology; “Since the preparation and skills of human talent have an extraordinary impact on the results of the organization.”
The transmission company will assume the cost of eighty percent (80%) of the total of technological careers; courses and workshops of which its employees are beneficiaries and the ITLA will assume the cost of the remaining twenty percent.
The training proposal has a technological and innovative approach, which will allow obtaining the necessary knowledge and tools.