Governor Samuel García celebrated the rainfall on social networks. He had been waiting for the water for weeks. “We will continue to stimulate the clouds so that the rain does not stop,” said the president.
“Love with love is paid. God gave us a lesson. A downpour came, they are signs that when we do well, we are doing well. Montemorelos, congratulations and may a lot of water fall on you, ”he added.
García shared videos of residents of Nuevo León joking and bathing in the rain. The president also celebrated with a photograph in which his wife, Mariana Rodríguez, is seen playing in the rain with several children.
This same week, authorities warned that there was a very serious problem of lack of water in Nuevo León. It hadn’t rained even half the average for the last five years.
Nuevo León, I ask you to please listen to this message ?#Live, because the high temperatures and the drought that is affecting Mexico and the world, have a reason. We have to do something about it.
I invite you to see the full message here:
– Samuel Garcia (@samuel_garcias)
July 25, 2022
Nuevo León is suffering from a severe drought that has reduced the percentage of capacity in its dams, while the alert and calls to take care of the water are maintained.
For several weeks, there were no rains in Nuevo León, which prevented the dams from having the minimum volume required to withstand the spring and summer months.
Governor Samuel García blames the past administration, headed by Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, for neglecting the water and sewage system, as well as for suspending awareness messages on water care and other key projects.