Taxes for Catatumbo will be temporary and focused on immediate collection, according to the Minister of Finance.
Minister of Finance, Diego Guevara.
Within the framework of the current crisis that crosses the Catatumbo, the Minister of Finance, Diego Guevara, pronounced on the Decree of Inner shock and the implementation of new taxes to meet the immediate needs of the region. In his statements, he insisted that these measures do not constitute a covert tax reform and that they will be limited only to the current year.
“Today we need immediate collection taxes with a specific destination, which is the Catatumbo,” said Guevara, Highlighting that these new levies are designed to generate fresh resources for exclusively to meet the needs of this affected region.
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The minister emphasized that income taxes will not be included within these measures, since such taxes could only be applied in 2026 as stipulated in the Tax Statute. “They are rather VAT tax that we can capture immediately,” he said, referring to the urgency of counting with rapid resources before the critical situation that Catatumbo is experiencing due to the violence exerted by armed groups.
Among the proposed taxes is a lien to the games of luck and chance. Guevara explained that a dialogue with the sector is being carried out to define the most appropriate time for its implementation. “We have not been uncompromising; We have maintained a dialogue with the sector to analyze the moment to collect that tax, if at the time of entry or commitment to bet, ”he said.
He also mentioned the possibility of implementing bell taxes, among other taxes that can generate immediate income without affecting the country’s economic stability. “We do not want any type of tax that stops the reactivation, that stops that important work what businessmen and small businessmen in the country do, ”he said.
The minister also called for the solidarity of Colombians to support Catatumbo at this critical situation. “It’s a call to understand and To put our hands in our hearts for that town of Catatumbo and northern Santander, ”he said.
Also read: Government asked Congress to support internal shock in the Catatumbo
Finally, Guevara guaranteed that these measures will be implemented within the constitutional framework and that every detail of tax decrees with transparency will be discussed. “At no time do we want to jump the legislative. Long use taxes should always pass For a discussion in these enclosures, ”he concluded, stressing that the current situation requires rapid and short -term actions.
Source: Integrated information system