The criticisms of 5.36% increase to the capitation payment unit (UPC) seem to have not stopped, since recently the Colombian Association of Legal Medicine Companies (Acemi) and the National Association of Family Compensation Funds (Asocajas) They also expressed their disagreement with this adjustment.
“The guarantee of the right to health of all Colombians depends on the correct calculation of the UPC. The underestimation of the premium impedes the attention of the population and affects all the actors in the system; human talent in health, public and private providing institutions, technology providers and of course insurers“, they assured.
(You can read: This is the maximum that they can charge you in the EPS moderator fee and co-payment).
Likewise, both requested the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the National Planning Department (DNP) convene technical tables “in the coming days” with the EPS, providers, users and patients, with the purpose of redefining the increase in the UPC for this year.
(Read also: Associations of health users join the criticism of the increase in the UPC).
“It is the responsibility of the National Government to comply with the constitutional obligation to adequately finance the health system.“, they mentioned.
(We recommend: Petro defends the increase in the UPC for 2025: ‘Did it seem like a little to you?’).
And they add: “Beginning the year and in order to prevent a crisis greater than the one currently faced by the system, we urgently and priority request this technical review space, which allows us to know the analysis carried out by the Ministry of Health, to know the feedback regarding the information contributed and that leads to a readjustment in the calculation that is complete, reproducible and sufficient for 2025“.