With the objective of promoting an entrepreneurial culture in the public school system, the Instituto Êxito de Empreendedorismo developed, in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), the course Entrepreneurship Lessons for Reach of an Emancipating and Transforming Education.
“The objective of Instituto Êxito is to help public school students to change their mindset, acquiring an entrepreneurial mindset. Not just employability, but growth in wealth and workability. In other words, when we talk about employability, we talk about entrepreneurship”, said the president of Instituto Êxito, Janguiê Diniz, to the Brazil Agency.
Instituto Êxito has more than 1,000 courses on its platform, and decided, together with UNESCO, to create this teaching system structured in 16 lessons, with a total workload of 40 hours. The course covers topics such as communication, self-knowledge, technical skills, socio-emotional skills, leadership, business plans, among others.
Janguiê Diniz said that the institute seeks to make public school students, especially high school students, acquire technical and socio-emotional skills to acquire “an entrepreneurial mindset, a wealth creation mindset”.
Initially, the course will have in-person and online classes. The pilot project will be carried out in the municipality of Bezerros (PE), the first city in the country to implement the project in its education network, as part of the Entrepreneurship at School project. The estimate is to serve, in that municipality, about 200 students in the 9th year of elementary school and in the three grades of high school.
Janguiê Diniz will give the inaugural class on August 13th. The material, exclusive and unpublished in Brazil, will be freely available online. The activity book and the teacher’s guide can be found on the institute website.
All lessons are organized to help students develop personal, technical, managerial and social skills. The didactic material gathers all the information relevant to each lesson, presenting concepts, calls for reflection, examples, extra materials for deepening, practical activities and inspiring stories of successful entrepreneurs in the most diverse areas. The guide for teachers aims to guide them in conducting the course with their students.
The secretary of Administration and Innovation of Bezerros, Bruno Clisman, said that it is the government’s responsibility to distribute this concept of entrepreneurial school throughout the municipality, with tools that allow students to open windows in the job market.
“We are the first city in the country to develop this pilot project in the school environment, to awaken an interest in entrepreneurship in students. In this scenario, partners have a fundamental role, as they invest time and resources in this process of knowledge and technology transfer so that we can expand our possibilities of services offered to the population of Bezerra, “said Clisman.
For the director of UNESCO in Brazil, Marlova Noleto, “working with young people from public schools in entrepreneurship is a noble task. It is a concrete way of transforming the reality of these students”.
According to Janguiê Diniz, after the pilot experience in Bezerros, all city halls, states, municipal and state departments of Education, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and schools that wish to implement the project and bring entrepreneurial education to young people in their locality can get in touch with Instituto Êxito by email is for get more information.
The Instituto Êxito de Empreendedorismo currently brings together more than 800 partners who share the same purpose: to turn entrepreneurship into a turbine to boost lives and stories.
Also according to the institute, the course is based on the philosophy that, regardless of social and economic class, anyone can transform their ideas into actions that change and improve the reality and community in which they live, with the aim of stimulating the entrepreneurial gift. of young people, especially those in public schools, where there are many hidden talents and good ideas to be promoted.