The Municipality of Nueva Palmira is in session on the afternoon of Tuesday 28, chaired by Mayor Agustín Callero. Below are the topics on the agenda:
-To find out: that a reiteration of inspection was requested for water served to Dr. Murguía street between Dr. Murguía and Paraguay. The Hygiene Department also sent a file on the inspection carried out on Calle Gral. Artigas between Argentina and Eguren.
-Request to the Transit Directorate, carry out a survey of vehicles in a state of abandonment on public roads.
-Request to the Department of Works, perform maintenance on: * Durazno street from Ordoñana and Del Medio. *Estados Unidos street from San Martín. *from street Guarantee from the United States to Chile, if not with bitumen, at least machined and repaired with ballast.
-Proposal of Councilor Leda Bentancour to close Calle Lavalleja and 25 de Mayo, forming one more for skating on Saturday afternoons and all day on Sunday.