The National Consumer Price Index (INPC), which measures the variation in the shopping basket for families with incomes of up to five minimum wages, had deflation (price drops) of 0.14% in August of this year. In July, the INPC had registered inflation of 0.26%. In August of last year, the rate was 0.20%.
With this result, the INPC has accumulated 2.80% for the year and 3.71% in 12 months, according to data released this Tuesday, in Rio de Janeiro, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
The INPC showed lower rates than the Broad National Consumer Price Index (IPCA), which measures official inflation, and which recorded deflation of 0.02% in August and inflation of 2.85% in the year and 4.24% in 12 months.
According to the INPC, food products fell by 0.63% last August, while non-food products saw a price increase of just 0.02% in the month.