A tripartite meeting was held yesterday at the Ministry of Labor, in the absence of its head, Carla Bacigalupo, due to the announcement made more than a week ago about a strike by the Interior Transport Association.
Humberto Rodas, a member of the union, explained that they are requesting a reduction in the price of fuel by 3,000 guaraníes per liter at least until September, which is equivalent to G. 9,000 million per month.
The request is supported by the increase in the price of fuel and the decrease in crude oil, which according to them, has been in decline for at least three days.
“Our sector consumes 3 million liters per month and we move between 15,000 to 20,000 people per day,” said Rodas, in an interview with the Gen-Nación Media channel.
In total there are 60 short, medium and long distance companies, which, in addition to the preferential price, also request to be included in the VAT exemption article.
In case of not receiving a new call in search of some favorable exit, unemployment will be inevitable.
The entrance Inland carriers are going to strike this midnight was first published in diary TODAY.