Groups of informal miners attacked with stones and set fire to part of a police base located at kilometer 108 of the Interoceanic highway, in the Madre de Dios region. The attack unleashed a confrontation that has left, so far, more than 19 people injured.
The event was recorded this Thursday, August 25, after informal miners took over the interoceanic highwayat the height of kilometers 96, 107 and 108, near the community of Alto Libertad.
According to Canal N, said paralysis is given in rejection of the recent operations – carried out by the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office – against informal mining within the mining corridor, which is still in the process of being formalized.
However, around 3:00 pm, dozens of miners arrived at the police base ‘New Arequipa’ and they attacked her with stones. In addition, they set fire to part of the dining room and bedrooms of the agents.
This triggered a confrontation between both parties and it was reported that at least 19 people were injured, ATV+ said. All the wounded have been taken to the Hospital Santa Rosa of Puerto Maldonado.
“A dialogue is sought at this time and the intervention of the authorities to solve this. The Interoceanic highway has been blocked (…) by the Police there were no personal injuries to regret “Channel N reported.