Consumer prices in Metropolitan Lima They grew on average 1.97% compared to 2023, within the target range of the Central Reserve Bank (BCR), which establishes a level of between 1% and 3%. Since the purpose of the BCR is to preserve monetary stability, the bank must control inflation to prevent the sun from losing its purchasing power.
The level of inflation reached in the capital in 2024 is 1.27 percentage points lower than in 2023, although it is above the national average of 1.9%.
It should be noted that the five large cities that led inflation last year are: Tarapoto with 3.09%, Ica with 2.69%, Ayacucho with 2.59%, Iquitos with 2.45% and Huancayo with 2.44%, according to the INEI.
What explained the higher inflation in Metropolitan Lima?
There are five consumption categories with which the consumer price index in Metropolitan Lima is measured, which explain 70% of its value: food and non-alcoholic beverages (with a weight of 23%); restaurants and hotels (15.9%); transportation (12.4%); accommodation, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (10.6%); and education (8.6%).
Of these, except for the first, all registered indices above the average, with the highest category being education, whose inflation reached 5.1%.
The reason? According to the INEI, the result was influenced by higher prices for education not attributable to a particular degree of education (one-off training), which increased by 8.3% on average.
Also, prices for education in secondary education grew 6.4% on average: tuition expenses increased 8.5% and non-state pension increased 6.4%.
Within this category, another educational level that increased its prices is preschool and primary education with a variation of 6.2%. In this, spending on the enrollment process for the “initial” degree increased 8.7% and on pensions for non-state-initial education increased 6.1%.
In the case of spending on primary education tuition, it increased 8.1% and pensions on non-state-primary education increased 6.3%.
On the higher education side, education prices rose 4%. Expenditure on tuition – non-state university increased 6.4%, on higher institute tuition grew 3.3%, on non-state university pension increased 3.8% and on non-state higher institute pension increased 5.4%.
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