Home North AmericaMexico INE: only 511 prisoners obtained their credentials

INE: only 511 prisoners obtained their credentials

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Jessica Xantomila and Fabiola Martínez

La Jornada Newspaper
Monday, June 24, 2024, p. 8

During the electoral process, 6,543 people in preventive detention in the country expressed to the National Electoral Institute (INE) their intention to obtain a voting credential – around 10 percent of the target population – and only 511 managed to complete the process. according to a report presented to the National Surveillance Commission (CNV) of the electoral body.

Alejandro Andrade, coordinator of technological processes of the Executive Directorate of the Federal Registry of Voters (RFE), explained that the majority could not complete the process due to the impossibility of obtaining some of their documents to corroborate their identity, such as the birth certificate, and for issues related to the operation of prisons.

Likewise, in a CNV session, the official responded to criticism from some representatives of parties, such as the Labor Party, about the detection of cases in which the name or other data of people in prison did not coincide with the information he has. the RFE.

Andrade assured that The differences we detected were minimal.since the same work was done as in the citizen service modules. If they had meant substantial differences, the procedure would have gone to registry analysis, which would imply a review to see why (the person) gave different data and the procedure would not be appropriate.he clarified.

The report presents several proposals to facilitate the credentialing of this sector, such as reviewing the operating model, procedures and regulations related to the identity and identification of people in preventive detention; the signing of agreements, the coordination with the federal and local Security Secretariats, as well as with the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples and equivalent organizations in the federal entities, among others.

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