The Producer Price Index (PPI), which measures the change in prices at the exit of factories, registered inflation of 1% in June. The percentage is lower than those observed in May this year (1.81%) and in June 2021 (1.29%).
According to data released today (28), in Rio de Janeiro, by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the IPP accumulates inflation of 18.78% in 12 months. In the first half, the accumulated is 10.12%.
Fifteen of the 16 industrial activities surveyed by the IBGE had a rise in prices in June, especially petroleum refining and biofuels (4.05%).
“The refining sector was mainly impacted by the variations observed in petroleum products, especially by the increases in diesel oil and gasoline”, said Murilo Alvim, an IBGE analyst.
food prices
Another activity with an important rise in prices was the food industry (1.99%). “The results of the food sector were largely influenced by higher prices for milk and its derivatives. The dairy group showed an increase of 14.91% in the month. This variation is justified by the milk off-season period, together with an already scarce supply due to climatic issues and higher production costs”, he explained.
At the same time, among the nine activities with deflation (drop in prices), mining and quarrying (-2.89%) and metallurgy (-1.50%) stand out.
Among the four major economic categories of industry, the highest price increases in June were observed in intermediate goods, that is, industrialized inputs used in the productive sector (1.04%), and in semi and non-durable consumer goods (1 .01%).
Capital goods, that is, machinery and equipment used in the productive sector, had inflation of 0.98%, while consumer durables had the lowest price increase: 0.48%.