He Advice Executive of the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) established through the resolution number 148-2024, the new definition of speed of the service of access to Internet of broadband, which increases from 4 to 30 megabyte (Mbps) per second of descentwith a view to this service be faster and more competitive in the country.
The provision repeals the previous one definition of speed of access to Internet contained in article number one of the General Regulations of the Access Service to Internetdictated through resolution number 033-2020, dated May 20, 2020.
The resolution number 148-2024 increases the speed minimum of 4 to 30 megabyte per second descent (Mbps) and 1 to 10 Mbps upload, in the Internet fixed broadband that providers offer to users.
It was signed by Guido Gomez Mazarapresident of Advice Executive; Alexis Cruz, representing the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, ex-officio member of the council; Juan Taveras Hernández and Tomás Pérez Ducy, members, and Julissa Cruz Abreu, executive director of the Indotel.
Gomez Mazara reported that the provision, discussed in the plenary session of the Advicereplaces the resolution number 033-2020, in which the speed of Internet broadband “with a speed minimum of 4 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload in AI accessinternet mobile”.
He said that now, however, the new provision establishes that this speed must be uploaded to at least 30Mbps, in the case of service fixed and which is accessed through Wi-Fi networks, so that it can be considered broadband.
He explained that from now on the speed minimum will be 4 to 30 megabyte per second of descent (Mbps), as well as 1 to 10 Mbps upload in the Internet fixed, whose increase speed goes from 4 to at least 8 Mbps descent for Internet mobile.
Gomez Mazara assured that the provision aims to ensure that the services of Internet are on par with the technological changes and adapt the standards local to international trends.
He argued that with the new resolution It also seeks to promote the country’s digital development, thus improving the browsing experience of users and its impact on the growth of sectors dependent on the use of Internetsuch as e-commerce and virtual education.
Harmonizes standards
He considered that the measure harmonizes the standards national with the practices of other countries in the region, such as Argentina, Chile and Peru, which have already increased their thresholds to define broadband. This update would also have positive effects on advances in infrastructure and commercial offers.
He specified that with the resolution which was in force until January 7, 2025 and which was repealed, the speed of iinternet was 4mbps, which is currently seen as “Internet low latency for the demand and use that consumers demand.
It had become obsolete
Gomez Mazara pointed out that, in accordance with the resolutionthe modification of the new definition of the speed minimum access to Internet“seeks to align the definition broadband with the trends and needs of the local market, guaranteeing greater competitiveness and quality in the services offered, since as according to the same comments received during the public consultation, the definition established in 2020 has become obsolete”.
He also maintained that the “analysis carried out by this regulatory body shows that the standards of speed for broadband in other countries have evolved significantly, to the extent that fixed broadband or fiber optic technologies increase in the country.
He indicated that, in fact, in a probe of the speeds offered, “all the ISPs consulted offer plans superiors at 30Mbps”.
The public consultation
Prior to the aforementioned provision, the board of directors of the Indotel submitted the measure to public consultation through the resolution number 084-2024. This gave access to the providers to express their positions regarding the new definition of the “Access Service to Internet Broadband”.
He Advice indicated that the measure that defines the service of access to Internet with a speed minimum, which increases from 4 to 30 Mbps of descent and 10 Mbps upload in AI accessinternet fixed and with a speed average of at least 8 Mbps descent in access to aiinternet mobile.
Regarding the comments of Altice and Claro about Broadband, the resolution of the Advice Executive of the Indotel decided to keep the new definition and rejects the proposal to define it with a speed of descent of 10 Mbps.
“This Advice Executive has considered that this definition responds to the current characteristics of the services The constant and rapid technological evolution shown in recent years at the level of services fixed,” he emphasizes.