During this Friday incidents have been reported in the surroundings of the former Posta Central, in the streets Portugal with Curicó, commune of Santiago.
According to a preliminary report by Carabineros, there have been looting of a pharmacy and a service station near the place. The police officers withdrew the demonstrators by means of water spray and gas spray cars.
Video via Twitter: @CarabPrCentral
From Transportation Reportspointed out that there is high congestion in the adjacent streets, so they request to take other routes.
(20.34) High congestion in streets of #Santiago due to traffic interruption in Portugal with Curicó:
?Santa Isabel between Parque Almagro and V.Mackenna
?Bilbao to the west, between A.Varas and V.Mackenna
?V.Mackenna to the south between D.Paraguay and Sta.Isabel
?Marin, between Salvador and Carmen— TransportInforma Santiago Metropolitan Region (@TTISantiago) May 7, 2022