The National Cancer Institute (Inca) is calling for volunteers to donate blood and platelets. According to the institute, this post-carnival period is worrying, since, without donations due to the parties, its stock of this blood derivative is zero.
The blood derivative has a useful life of only five days, which means that the platelet donated in the fridayFriday before Carnival (17th) can no longer be used.
The platelet can be obtained from a regular blood donation, when it is separated after the procedure, or from a special donation, when it is separated at the time of withdrawal. In this case, the other blood products (red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma) and part of the platelets return to the donor’s body after separation.
This blood derivative is important for patients who have undergone bone marrow transplantation, chemotherapy or some surgical intervention.
The Bloco da Solidariedade campaign was created in 2005 and usually increases the number of donations by 45% in the post-carnival period, compared to the week before the festivities.
This year, even before Carnival, blood donations were already 40% below ideal for Inca.
Donations can be made by anyone between the ages of 16 and 69 who are in good conditions health conditions and weighing more than 50 kg. The orientation is to avoid the consumption of fatty foods three hours before the donation. Anyone infected with the new coronavirus must wait at least 10 days, counting from the end of symptoms.
It is necessary to present a photo document. Adolescents aged 16 and 17 must also prove formal consent from their guardians. To donate platelets, it is necessary to book in advance by telephone contact.
The Inca Blood Bank is located at Praça Cruz Vermelha, 23, 2nd floor, downtown Rio of January. Opening hours are from second The fridayMonday, from 7:30 am to 2:30 pm, and on Saturdays, from 8 am to 12 pm. More information by phone: (21) 3207-1021 It is (21) 3207-1580.