He National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (Inameh), in its report this Friday, October 25, noted that during the morning, partially cloudy skies are expected, alternating with slightly cloudy areas in much of the country; Areas of Guayana Esequiba, Bolívar, Amazonas, east of Delta Amacuro, Sucre, north of Monagas, Miranda Capital District, La Guaira, Aragua, Yaracuy, north of Portuguesa, east of Falcón and over Lake Maracaibo are estimated to have cloud cover. with scattered rain or showers.
After noon, an increase in cloud cover is expected, producing rainfall of variable intensity and electrical activity in areas of Guayana Esequiba, Amazonas, Bolívar, Delta Amacuro, Sucre, Monagas, northern Anzoátegui, Miranda, Capital District, La Guaira, Aragua, south of Guárico, Yaracuy, north of Portuguesa, the Andes and Zulia.
The Central Region that makes up the states of Miranda, La Guaira, Aragua, Carabobo and Caracas is estimated to have partial cloudiness in the morning hours; with cloudy skies and possible rain or drizzle in the afternoon and evening.