The first five places in the ranking of entities under scrutiny with pending clarification or, where appropriate, reimbursement, are:
- Mexico City with 6,235.7 million pesos
- Oaxaca with 4,814.8 million pesos
- Nayarit with 3,271.5 million pesos
- Michoacán with 3,195.1 million pesos
- Guerrero with 3,000.2 million pesos
The sum of the observed amount that was exercised in these five entities by their Executive, Legislative, Judicial powers or the municipalities, amounts to 20,526.5 million pesos. That figure represents 51.8% of the federalized spending to be clarified, according to the consolidated figures of the total audits applied by the ASF and reported in its three reports.
Since June 2021, only 4.4% solved
In the consolidation of the three deliveries of audit reports to the Public Account 2020, those of June, October and this February 20, the ASF located errors in the registry of operations or possible irregularities and damage to the treasury for 41,395.7 million pesos in the exercise of federalized spending, of which 1,830 have already been recovered, according to the comparison of the last report of the audited body and the first two of June and October.
In total, the ASF applied 1,235 audits to programmable federal spending; that is, transfers that serve states and municipalities to finance tasks of basic education, health, social infrastructure, public security, social assistance, technological education or financial sanitation.
As a result of these reviews alone, the ASF issued 844 Sanctioning Administrative Responsibility Promotions (PRAS) so that the Internal Control Bodies (OIC) of the entities reviewed initiate investigations into the irregularities detected.
In the event that the amounts observed are not clarified or compensated, it may proceed with the financing of compensatory responsibilities against the responsible public servants, the application of administrative sanctions or the filing of complaints of facts, given the presumption of diversion of resources or conduct. intentional or that allow the presumption of a crime.