After almost a week of absence, President Laurentino Cortizo, in the midst of protests and calls for strikes, tried on Monday night to regain control of the country with a brief speech, which was not to the liking of the population or the various guilds that have been in the streets for several days.
The lawyer and political analyst, Miguel Antonio Bernal, alluded to that speech issued by the president, affirming that his words were like a kind of birth of the mountains, that is, “much ado and few nuts.”
“The petitions that have been generated show that we are in a system that has reached a crisis, and the president, like his government with the silence they kept for a week, have shown us that they do not have a compass or have concrete solutions” , accurate.
He stressed that it is no longer possible to follow how we are going, but we still do not know where we are going because there is no direction.
“To say that in five days it is going to reduce gasoline to $3.95 a gallon, that is not a reduction, oil in the market is going down, that is, it is not making any concessions,” Bernal remarked.