After the controversy generated in the City, due to the decision of the Buenos Aires Government to prohibit the use of inclusive language in schools, a national ministry announced that it will promote its use.
This is the Ministry of Public Works, in charge of Gabriel Katopodis, who announced that they will begin to use the inclusive language officially; this means that they will use this type of communication in its official documents, records and administrative acts.
From the ministry they reported that “the models of notes, spreadsheets, forms and other internal or external communication documentation will be adapted so that their wording is consistent with the inclusive language of genre”.
This was established through Resolution 244/2022 published today in the Official Gazette where the “use of language and non-sexist and inclusive communication as valid expressive forms was determined in the productions, documents, records and administrative acts of all areas of this Ministry, as a mechanism to discourage the generic use of the masculine”.
In addition, the ministry urges “decentralized agencies, companies and entities that are within the Ministry’s orbit” to join the measure, and “designate a person to operate as a liaison and be trained in the gender-inclusive use of the language ”.
The portfolio led by Katopodis argued that its decision is based “on the right to equality before the law and the principle of non-discrimination recognized in the National Constitution”.
What other official entities use inclusive language
Although this form of communication has not been regularized in the Executive Power, the Ministries of Transportation and Productive Development implement it; In addition, the Ministry of Health decided to adopt the inclusive language in all its productions, documents, records and administrative acts, since last May.
Likewise, the communications of the Central Bank promote its use, since they consider it a “valid resource” and implement it as “an institutional commitment and a contribution to the construction of a fairer society”.