The disease of Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementiacharacterized by a gradual deterioration in the memorythe thinking, behavior, and social skills that affect a person’s ability to function. This is followed by Parkinson’s as the second disease most common neurodegenerative disease.
“This disease destroys him memory to the one who suffers from it, but it attacks the heart of the entire familytransforms the families in a brutal way because it is very difficult to see a loved one, who had a life productive, how it slowly goes out like a candle. It is a situation that has to be experienced to understand it,” said Mercedes Bruno, president of the Dominican Association of Alzheimer’s and Similar.
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 55 million people (8.1% of women and 5.4% of men over 65 years of age) live with dementia; 10.3 million in the Region of the Americas. This number is estimated to increase to 78 million by 2030 and 139 million by 2050.
According to Bruno, after analyzing data collected by the psychiatrist Daisy Acosta and the geriatrician Dagoberto Güílamo, in the country there are about 100 thousand people affected by dementiaalthough it is estimated that underreporting is greater.
“We consider that there are many more because there are areas, especially in the lower classes, who do not take their loved ones to be diagnosed,” he noted.
Through talks, workshops and seminars, the Association is responsible for “supporting and assisting the families so that they give adequate treatment to the patient and work in the prevention“.
Bruno’s recommendation is that everyone over 65 years of age visit a geriatrician as part of your health routine, although the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s It can also be given by a neurologist or a psychiatrist.
Maintain a style of life healthy, with a good diet, away from a sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol, as well as diabetes, blood pressure and controlled lipids reduce the chances of developing dementia.
Disease of the third age
Neurologist Marcia Castillo explained that “the Alzheimer’s is a disease of the third agethat is, the more the more agemore likely to develop disease“.
This disease generates a great impact socio-sanitary and economic, especially in the figure of the carerwho is generally a woman of the family and ends up with a lot of wear and tear.
- “It is a disease incurable progressive chronic disease that reduces the quality of life of the person. “You care for love, here you don’t care because the State subsidizes you,” highlights the doctor.
To treat the diseasefocuses on the neuropsychiatric spectrum and the spectrum neurologicalwhich is why the approach is usually multidisciplinary between neurologists, geriatricians and neuropsychologists, and may present manifestations such as agitation, delusions, psychosis and inversion of circadian rhythm.
Castillo indicated that “there is treatments to slow down the disease and treatments symptomatic, but so far there is no treatments that cure disease“.
To the patient can be recited medications so that it does not shake, to oxygenate the brain, for neurotransmitters, although “almost none of them are covered” by health insurance.
In addition to the medicationsthe doctor recalled that it requires a good nutrition, therapies stimulation and comfort space, increasing the monthly expenses of the family.
“We made a proration with Parkinson’s and we calculated the treatment between 18 and 19 thousand pesos (per month). I think that Alzheimer’s should walk maybe a little more,” he confessed.
About the possibility of intern still patient with Alzheimer’s in a center geriatricCastillo understands that in our country the culture is caring, creating a kind of loyalty within the home, which is why families They usually choose to keep it at home.
Both Bruno and Castillo agreed that the country needs to advance in education and serious policies that improve the quality of life of patients with neurodegenerative diseases.
Bruno implored the Ministry of Public Health to put the National Dementia Plan into operation, “which since 2020 has been shelved.”