The government of Spainaided by inflation, achieved the goal set in the budget plan he sent to Brussels.
The goal was for the public debt to fall by 119.5% of GDP. With one month to go until the closing, the ratio was close to 122%.
However, the sharp rise in inflation in the last quarter of the year has been the Government’s best ally, since it has caused the nominal GDP to increase in such a way that the objective has been comfortably met.
Public debt has closed 2021 at 118.7% of GDPwhich is equivalent to a drop of 1.3 points compared to the 2020 data and is eight tenths below the target set by the Government (119.5%).
This cut of 1.3 points less compared to 2020 (the debt closed that year at 120%) thanks to the decrease in almost 3 points that occurred between the third and fourth trimesters.
Insurance exceeds 86 billion in 2021
Data transmission record
A new record in data transmission via 6G technology was established by Chinese researchers, according to the newspaper The South China Morning Post.
The team, led by Professor Zhang Chaofrom Tsinghua University (Beijing), and made up of specialists from the University Shanghai Jiao Tong and the operator of China Unicom mobile phonemanaged to transmit a terabyte of data over a distance of one kilometer in just one second.
The experiment was carried out on a wireless communication line installed in a complex intended for competitions of the Winter Olympics in Beijing.
The feat was achieved with use of very high frequency radio wavesa, which are also known as vortex millimeter waves.
Zhang explained that vortex waves add a new dimension to wireless transmission.