Officials from the Police Investigation Service (SIP), belonging to the Cojedes state Police, arrested a man and a woman for allegedly mistreating and harshly hitting their children.
The 4 and 7-year-old girls received beatings from Alexander Velásquez (father of the girls) and Cristina Valera (mother of the girls), who receive them in the Andrés Eloy Blanco sector of San Carlos.
According to the police report, an investigation was initiated after learning that parents were regularly mistreating their children, so the child abuse protocol was activated.
Commissioner Agusmil Fernando Mendoza, director of this security agency, emphasized that the abuse frequently occurred in the family home, where neighbors frequently heard the girls’ screams and cries.
The case was handed over to the Public Ministry to carry out the respective investigations and determine the responsibilities of the parents of the allegedly abused girls.
Man arrested for crime
In another incident reported by the Peace Quadrants, a wanted man was arrested in the “El Laurel” sector in Las Vegas, for the crime of violence against women.
The man was identified as Ronny Angarita and his capture was carried out after the verification of his data in an operation that was carried out in the central part of the municipality, through the Integrated Police Information System (Siipol).