New director of machinery and vehicles is already in functions
At the end of this week, the beginning of the next one, the recently appointed director of machinery and vehicles of the Intendencia de Cerro Largo will have a survey of the current state of the fleet.
Who until Friday served as head of the Division of Works and Architecture assumed the new responsibility on Monday in the morning.
“It is an important challenge where we promised to give a hand to the mayor Gamarra. Practically from the moment we assume at the head of machinery and vehicles we were helping the Pul refrigerator, with Minerva, with machines to make a firewall ” express Javier Ottonelli.
“We are taking knowledge of machinery and movements in general. In the same way that I dedicated myself and worked on works and architecture now I will do it from this other role. We are well loaded with the batteries ” said to The daily professional.
“The change in the function is important” commented. “There is a very large fleet where we have to be aware of all distributions, fundamentally works and rural roads. It is a gigantic change, but as we have knowledge for the years worked in the intention we more or less know the movement ” held.
“There are many distributions that depend on the municipal workshops. We hope to leave everything and live up to this new challenge ” said.
“I am just beginning to make contact with the reality of the distribution. We have a very important fleet working that is operational but we also have some machines and vehicles in the workshops. We are aware of what is in poor condition. I will almost surely be able to have survey on the end of this week. We are working on that. We have a very important team here in the workshops where there are career officials and with great age that carry everything in a very good way and have everything detailed. They are bringing me the materials I need ” projection.
Nostalgia of works and architecture
There were several projects that during the current period of departmental government were faced from the Division of Works and Architecture. Perhaps the most iconic is the remodeling of the old dispensary of the Departmental Hospital but there is also the construction of the multi -purpose hall in Barrio López Benítez and the initial kick in the work in the municipal market.
“We go with some nostalgia, but with the peace of mind that remained in very good hands” Javier Ottonelli said. “There was a career official, Jorge Rodríguez, a person who works in the intention for many years and is up to it because we always had a good relationship. We work together, it is someone who has a lot of knowledge of the subject, so I leave that division into very good hands ” reiterated. “All the projects we had will have continuity. In addition, I will always be to give a hand in what is needed. In what require my knowledge I will be aware of it ” concluded.