In the course of the morning, the DNCP published that Importadora Motor Sport Sociedad Anónima was awarded for a total value of G. 1,845,450,500, managed to win the tender for the Acquisition of a Used Bus for the Municipality of Limpió with ID 416,224. For said tender, offers began to be received on Friday, October 21, 2022.
The Municipality of Limpió was the institution in charge of carrying out the Call for Bids No. 416,224 under the category of Machinery, Equipment and Major Tools – Transportation Equipmentby the type of procedure of National Public Tender.
The aforementioned institution awarded 1 item.
- 5 Bus units with a unit price of G. 369,090,100
The aforementioned firm’s legal representative is Michel Hug de Belmont Zarza and Hugo G Tregnaghi.
Two more companies showed up to the call: Ana Gabriela Cubilla Aquino and Evert Rafael Enciso Becker.
Source: DNCP