A total of 157,548 elementary, middle, high school, undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s students applied this year for an Ifarhu scholarship.
Ifarhu enables a link to find out the results of the 2022 General Scholarship Contest. Photo: Illustrative
The Institute for the Training and Use of Human Resources (Ifarhu), released the results this Wednesday so that the students who applied to the 2022 General Scholarship Contest know if they were shortlisted or not.
Applicants can access https://www.ifarhuconcurso.gob.pa/#verificacion and enter their data.
A total of 157,548 elementary, middle, high school, undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s students applied this year for an Ifarhu scholarship.
Ifarhu kept the applications open for the 2022 General Scholarship Contest from January 1 to 10, which were online.