With the elections of October 26 and 27 just around the corner, citizens will have the responsibility of electing their new local authorities, including governors, mayors and councilors. For this process to be carried out effectively, 200,070 have been designated table vowelswho will play a fundamental role during the voting. However, some of these members may not be able to comply with this obligation, which is why the Electoral Service has established an excuse period that runs from October 7 to 9.
During this period, those who have been designated as table members and cannot fulfill their duty have the possibility of presenting their excuses. This option is crucial to avoid penalties that can result in significant fines. Fines vary between 2 and 8 Monthly Tax Units (UTM), which is equivalent to amounts ranging between $132,000 and $531,000, depending on the severity of the infraction.
There are specific reasons contemplated by law that allow citizens to excuse themselves from this obligation without facing consequences. One of the most common is residence more than 300 kilometers from the voting place or absence from the country during the elections, which makes it difficult to participate as table vowel. Likewise, people over 70 years of age also have the right to excuse themselves.
Another valid reason to reject the charge of table vowel It is having a physical or mental disability that prevents you from performing the associated functions. This criterion also extends to those working in hospitals on Election Day, ensuring that those engaged in essential health work can focus on their job responsibilities.
Pregnant women and parents with children under two years of age, whose other parent is not available for care, may also be excused from being table vowels. In addition, those who are responsible for the care of dependent people, such as older adults or people with disabilities, have the right to present an excuse if they have the necessary documentation to support their situation. This last group of caregivers can obtain a special credential downloadable from the Social Registry of Households, which will allow them to justify their absence before the Electoral Board.