After two years without being able to hold the parade in commemoration of the independence of Colombiareturns to Ibagué the Military Parade this July 20.
According to the information provided by the Sixth Brigade of the National Army, in the parade will participate the block of Officers, the War Flag, the block of Estandanters, flag of the Army and Tactical Units, Historical block, block of Heroes in Disabled Condition, Infantry Battalion n. 18 Colonel Jaime Rooke, Military Police, War Veterans, among others.
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“The invitation from now on is for you to take out your Colombian flags in your homes, participate in the activities to be carried out throughout the Tolimense territory this July 20Independence Day of our country,” said Colonel Carlos Darío González Villamil.
Parade time and where they can be seen
This Wednesday Ibagué will have the start of the parade at 10 in the morning from race 3 to 9. From there it will go down to 15th street and take the 5th race, to finally conclude with the act on 42nd street.
The parade will also take place in the municipalities of Flanders, Saldaña, Cunday, Honda, Anzoátegui, Lebanon and Herveo.
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