Miguel Mendoza has gone 532 days without seeing his eight-year-old daughter Alejandra Mendoza Pozo. The little one writes her letters, draws pictures and has recorded videos for her imprisoned father. In a letter published on the social networks of the sports writer and political prisoner, Alejandra reveals that she dreamed of Mendoza and tells him that he is the love of her life.
“Hello Daddy! Last night I dreamed of you, I saw your face and I felt very happy. I want with all my heart to give you a big hug. You are the love of my life. I love you”, reads a photo of the letter written by Alejandra for Miguel Mendoza.
The regime has stubbornly prohibited any type of communication between Miguel Mendoza and his daughter, an action that various lawyers have classified as a violation of the rights of the girl and national laws. The magistrates of the Court of Appeals have remained silent to the more than 11 appeals that have been filed so that Alejandra can see and hug her father.
«Alejandra writes messages for her father every day, hoping that someone can show them to her. She has not been allowed to see him for 532 days. She is a girl and she does not deserve so much suffering,” said Miguel Mendoza’s family on their social accounts.
On December 2, in a letter published by the family of the political prisoner, Alejandra expressed her fear that her father might forget about her after more than a year imprisoned by the Ortega-Murillo dictatorship.
Related news: Daughter of Miguel Mendoza fears that her father will forget her
“Daddy! Sometimes I think you’re going to forget me, because I haven’t seen you for more than a year. That makes me sad. I need to give you a big hug. I love you with all my heart. You are my hero! », The girl wrote in her letter.
Miguel Mendoza underwent a hunger strike as a measure of pressure for the dictatorship to let him be reunited with his daughter. The journalist left the peaceful protest given the promise that they would let him see his daughter after more than 500 days without any kind of communication, but nothing has happened.
After the family visit on November 19, Miguel Mendoza told his relatives that the promise to see his daughter was a “deceit” because the visit has not materialized. «He is sad, hopeful to see Alejandra. That situation of not being able to see her family eats at him, “said Cristopher Mendoza, the journalist’s nephew.
The journalist and critic of the Ortega y Murillo regime was jailed in June 2021, in the middle of a hunt for union leaders. He was found guilty of the crimes of conspiracy to undermine the national integrity and propagation of false news, through repressive laws directed against opponents. The Ortega y Murillo court sentenced him to nine years in prison.