AREQUIPA, Peru – After his release on the morning of January 16, political and conscientious prisoner Luis Robles Elizástigui thanked all the people and independent media constantly concerned about his condition, however, he stressed that he is not completely free, but remains under conditional release.
“I am at home now not as I would like, but I am with the family,” he told CubaNetalluding to his supposed freedom, managed by the Cuban regime along with that of 552 other prisoners under “various crimes,” on January 16.
“Hopefully there are not just a few, but all those who they deserve to be free“All the innocent people who deserve to be with their families and for this suffering to end for everyone,” stressed the young man from Guantanamo, arrested in December 2020 for raising a sign on San Rafael Boulevard, in Old Havana.
Robles Elizástigui was removed from the camp where he was located (La Lima), extinguishing a five-year sanction, under the benefit of a minimum security regime. In June of this year his sentence ends.
“I’m not completely free, but it’s better to be with the family than to put someone’s family to work in there,” said the political prisonerreleased with multiple restrictions.
Regarding his family, Robles Elizastigui informed this medium that they are currently going through a difficult process, since his father is in serious condition, admitted to a health institution, after suffering a cerebrovascular infarction.
“My mother (Yindra Elizástigui Jardines) for her part feels a little more relieved with my release, although I still have a brother (Lester Fernández) who remains in prison and her heart’s desire is for him to be here at home with us, because he is another innocent person who should not be there,” he said.
Luis Robles was sentenced for the alleged crimes of enemy propaganda and disobedience; His case was number 1 of the year 2021.
“Once I am released, I hope to resume my life, which is the desire of my heart and that of my family and friends. Thank you very much, the fight continues,” he told CubaNet.