He had previously announced that the suspension against “Jaguar Tuesday” promoted by Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, national leader of the PRI, “smells like a pipe.”
“In criminal matters, it occurs when life is in danger or there is torture. We will challenge and present a complaint to the Judicial Council. The actions of Judge Víctor Alejo Guerrero are very suspicious”, he added.
The suspension against #JaguarTuesday promoted by BROTHER smells like a pipe. In criminal matters, it occurs when life is in danger or there is torture. We will challenge and present a complaint to the Judicial Council. The actions of Judge Víctor Alejo Guerrero are very suspicious#SonSusBrothers pic.twitter.com/HTo5MUckOI
– Layda Sansores (@LaydaSansores)
July 23, 2022
I do this to have fun, to have fun, to have fun. ?? See you on Tuesday at 8 pm, as a pylon… “The Fables of Tesoplo and Doblado”. pic.twitter.com/xYZBZsUdbm
– Layda Sansores (@LaydaSansores)
July 24, 2022
Since Wednesday, July 20, the chapters of “Martes del Jaguar” and the audios of Alejandro Moreno’s conversations no longer appear on the official social networks of the governor of Campeche.
The removal of the videos occurred hours after Moreno Cárdenas reported that he was notified of the protection in his favor, “so that the publication and distribution of illegal audios in the Sansores program or by any other means or channel is stopped.”
The audios in which “Alito” was heard talking about the commission of alleged crimes were found on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. They are no longer.
During the night of July 19, Sansores broadcast the eighth audio of Moreno Cárdenas. In the recording, the tricolor leader is allegedly heard insulting a woman and talking about money that he would have given himself to prevent criticism from being written against him in a media outlet.
After the broadcast, Alejandro Moreno said that Sansores “had committed a federal crime by breaking an injunction, publishing an absolutely false, manipulated and edited audio, with the intention of harming the opposition and confronting it with all sectors.”
“They are not going to break me with their grotesque and crude hate campaigns,” he added.
A week earlier, Layda Sansores pointed out that in order not to damage the investigation folder that the Campeche Prosecutor’s Office has open against Moreno Cárdenas, no more audios of private conversations with the PRI leader would be published.
“We will have to stop him a bit with the audios, so as not to damage the investigation folder,” said the president in front of Renato Sales, state prosecutor. She then she changed her mind.
This week’s was the eighth audio that the president released about Moreno Cárdenas, who this month traveled to Europe to denounce that in Mexico there is an alleged political persecution against him.