The wedding of the Brazilian footballer with Camila Ângelo, held last Friday, continues to bring a queue
![Hulk's mother-in-law sends a message after the player's controversial wedding Hulk married his ex-wife's niece](
Hulk married his ex-wife’s niece
The wedding of hulk with Camila Angelo, held last Fridaycontinues giving something to talk about. After family members and even the producer of the event spoke out about the controversial event, now it is the player’s mother-in-law’s turn. In a post on social media, Niris Angelo sends a message to critics.
Hulk’s mother-in-law publicly stated that the marriage between him and her daughter is “proof that true love exists.” The controversy between their union occurs because the wife of the Atlético Mineiro forward is the niece of his ex-wife, Iran Angelo, with whom he was married for 12 years and with whom he has several children.
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“Daughter and son-in-law, may every moment together become a beautiful memory. May they always be happy. You are proof that true love exists. May every day together be full of love and may there never be a lack of respect and understanding in your home. I love you“, writes Niris Angelo.
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