Huancayo: With a detector machine they find underground sources and provide water to 22 families and an educational center

The NGO Together Working for a Better Peru and community members from the Chanca annex, Chupuro district identified water sources with an underground water detection machine, which will allow quality water to be provided to the population for daily consumption, personal hygiene, preparation of food, cleaning homes and in this way improve their quality of life.

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Today, June 25, the NGO delivered a water tank to each family and made the connection to the main reservoir of the water source identified to feed the tanks in the homes. The residents of the area were trained with workshops on the care, efficient and appropriate use of water resources, as well as protecting the natural sources of the resource from contamination.

The director of the NGO Together working for a better Peru, Mg. Karina Huayta Anyosa highlighted that the organization is committed to the community, providing the budget and technical support, with the objective of meeting the goals of the project for the benefit of families. Furthermore, the sustainability of this project is ensured by the participation of local and communal authorities.

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22 families benefited

The families of the Chanca Population Center and an educational institution did not have drinking water, they were supplied from small springs through containers that are in inappropriate conditions and exposed them to contracting diseases due to contamination.

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