Alarm. Deaths from pneumonia in adults over 60 years of age increased by 103% in the Junín region in 2024, reported the deputy director of Diresa Junín, Clifor Curipaco López.
According to the report from the Epidemiology area, in 2024 there were 145 deaths due to pneumonia in various age groups, and in those over 60 years of age, deaths increased significantly.
In most cases, the elderly were taken to health centers or hospitals in serious condition, where there was not much that could be done to save them. He regretted that their relatives had not identified the alarm signs to evacuate them to a health facility in a timely manner.
The epidemiologist of the IREN Center, Luis Tello Dávila explained that the immune system of older adults is diminished. That is why you must be very careful with them.
The specialist mentioned that if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection, you should go to a doctor and not self-medicate as is happening, causing grandparents to become resistant to drugs.
Given this situation, he called for vulnerable groups such as children under 5 years of age and adults over 60 years of age to access vaccination against influenza and pneumococcus.
Likewise, it is important to avoid exposure to the sudden changes in temperature that are observed at this time with low temperatures in the early morning, prolonged rain and storms, and sunny days.
It is important to improve the diet of vulnerable groups to strengthen their immune system against diseases.
Epidemiologist Luis Tello Dávila said that an outbreak of human metapneumovirus is collapsing hospitals in China, calling for taking preventive measures like when we were in a pandemic, where hand washing was carried out for 20 seconds, distance was maintained and even mask, in addition to avoiding going to crowded places.
The director of the Carrión hospital, Gustavo Llanovarced Damián, stated that many of the viruses are responsible for causing respiratory infections such as human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, and adenovirus.
He commented that when the host, that is, the person with the virus, has good defenses, we can cope with the disease, but when this is not the case, it can even cause death.
This is why vulnerable groups such as older adults and children under 5 years of age must be protected and monitored.
In 2024, Diresa Junín registered 559 pneumonias in children under 5 years of age when in 2023, 659 pneumonias were reported. Which represents a reduction of 16.4% less, reported the deputy director of Diresa Junín, Clifor Curipaco.
In 2024, 11 deaths were recorded in children under 5 years of age.
In older adults in 2023, there were 775 cases and in 2024, 848 cases of pneumonia, which implies an increase of 10.8% compared to the previous year.
Regarding acute respiratory infections, this year 76,257 cases were reported in children under 5 years of age and in 2023, there were 81,281 cases, which shows a reduction of 6.2%.
Clifor Curipaco mentioned that although we have gone through a pandemic, there is still resistance to the vaccine, when it is one of the means of protection against anger and pneumonia.
vaccines. Regarding vaccination coverage, he indicated that they increased due to the sweeps and campaigns that were carried out during the year 2024.
Regarding influenza, in 2024, coverage of 48.7% was reached with an increase of two percentage points. In 2023, 46.2% of people were protected with the vaccine.