The Comptroller’s Office issued a report in which they note an observation on the environmental control actions carried out by the District Municipality of Acraquia, in the province of Tayacaja.
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Through Official Guidance Report No. 29826-2021-CG/SADEN-SOO, the Comptroller’s Office for Complaints Attention informs that the municipality is not registering the report of its environmental control actions corresponding to the year 2021, in the computer application of the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency (OEFA).
According to the Comptroller’s report, this situation may affect the implementation and monitoring of its environmental control function, as well as the transparency of the current management of the municipality.
It should be noted that, for the regular exercise of environmental control functions, local governments must comply, among other functions, with the preparation, approval, execution and reporting of the Annual Environmental Assessment and Control Plans (PLANEFA).
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Likewise, according to the quarterly reports of the environmental control actions corresponding to the year 2021, the local governments have deadlines for the four quarters: April 16, 2021, July 14, 2021, October 18, 2021 and January 14, 2022. .
Given this, the OEFA sent Official Letter No. 04507-2021-OEFA/DPEF-SEFA, to the Comptroller indicating that the agency does not have the information to supervise the performance of the Environmental Enforcement functions of the EFAs (Entities of Enforcement Environmental).
The case was referred to the district mayor of Acraquia, Silvestre Antonio, for him to take the pertinent actions.
The EFAs are entities that are divided into three levels: Ministries (national), regional governments (regional) and municipalities (local).
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It should be noted that, on December 14, 2021, the OFE sends the official letter to the Comptroller on the EFA of Acraquia.