Before the weekend, the Huancavelica roads that run through the community of Ayaccocha were the scene of two traffic accidents, of which several were injured.
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One of them was the collapse of a motorcycle taxi, and the other accident was the collision of a motorcycle and a car. Police, firefighters and health personnel from the Mobile Emergency Care System (SAMU) arrived to attend to these events to care for the injured.
According to the preliminary record handled by the Ayaccocha health facility, it was after 08:30 hours when a traffic accident was reported that left an injured person.
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According to the report, the collision of a linear motorcycle and a car occurred on the main road Huancavelica – Huancayo (in the distribution to the Putacca – Palca town center).
Given this, the staff of the Ayaccocha health center went to the scene of the events, finding an injured person who was being cared for by his relatives.
It should be noted that, in the place, there was neither the car nor the motorcycle. Likewise, the wounded man was identified as Efraín Curi Quispe (33), who was diagnosed with multiple unspecified injuries and intra-abdominal organ trauma, for which he was referred to the Huancavelica Regional Hospital (HRH) Zacarías Correa Valdivia.
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Police arrived at the scene to carry out investigations.
Likewise, after 12:40 p.m., the Ayaccocha health personnel learned of another traffic accident near the Pucuto – Ccaccasiri cemetery.
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A mototaxi had gone off a cliff and left an injured person: Rubén Ismael Almindres Bendezú (28), diagnosed with unspecified multiple trauma, scalp injury and right ankle fracture.