There have been twenty-four changes in the Government Palace since the former president Pedro Castillo tried to shut down Congress without support from the armed forces or their ministers. Now confined in the Barbadillo prison, the former rural school teacher faces an 18-month preventive detention order for the alleged crimes of rebellion, and alternatively, conspiracy.
On December 12, the person who was legal adviser to Terrones Castle in electoral campaign, then prime minister and finally head of the cabinet of advisors to the Presidency, Hannibal Torres.
That same day, six other positions were relieved: the general secretary of the presidential office, Julio Edilberttogether with the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Carlos Cavagnaroresigned, and four positions were replaced.
In the following days, ascended to power Dina Boluarte, the removals continued. For example, he was appointed Zendy Manzaneda as secretary of social communication of the Presidency of the Council, to Hugo Velasquez as adviser to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (PCM), to Angel Chumpitaz as press officer now Ivone Montoya as head of the advisory cabinet.
PCM by Alberto Otárola
After Pedro Angulo’s short stay in the PCM, Alberto Otárola entered as prime minister. The former Defense Minister removed the then Secretary General of said entity, Fátima Altabas, and appointed Luis Adrianzen Ojeda as his replacement.
Adrianzen Ojeda has already worked with the chief of staff. While the current premier served as head of Defense, the brand new secretary of the PCM held the position of head of the cabinet of advisers of said portfolio.
On December 23, Otárola Peñaranda appointed Elizabeth Quinde Mogollon as II adviser to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
Reorganization in the presidential office
The same day that former Prime Minister Pedro Angulo ended his ten-day term, it was published in El Peruano a supreme decree that declared the reorganization of the presidential office.
Delfina de Zulema was appointed as secretary IV of the office of the head of state, Raul Molina as head of the technical cabinet, Karin Cáceres as secretary of the administrative area and Elizabeth Quinde as adviser II.