How to get a $100,000 bonus in Chile with only 1 requirement

In Chili, Caja La Araucana offers vital help in difficult situations. Did you know that just by meeting one requirement, you can get a bonus of up to $100,000? We explain how here.

The Solidarity Fund for Workers is a program created by the entity to provide financial assistance to members who face personal emergencies. This bondwhich can reach a maximum of $100,000, can be requested up to twice a year and must be administered according to an annual schedule.

Bond. Source: Pexels

What circumstances can generate this bond? La Caja La Araucana’s priority falls on cases of great need or particularly difficult circumstances. The bonus aims to alleviate financial burdens at critical times, from problems related to housing, education, health, to the acquisition of prostheses or other medical supplies. It is important to emphasize that this voucher can also be used to purchase goods or medical equipment that are not covered by other programs available in Chile.

How do I get this bond? Although the process is simple, specific information is required. You must present a photocopy of your affiliated identification card, as well as a letter of application from the affiliated company. Additionally, depending on the nature of the emergency, expense support and detailed documentation are required.

Bond. Source: Pexels

You must send all the documentation collected to the Social Impact and Sustainability Management, either through your web platform or through any other means at your disposal. In summary, Caja La Araucana provides a financial solution to survive in difficult situations. You can get a bonus of up to $100,000 to deal with emergency situations in Chili simply by complying with the established requirements and presenting the required documentation.

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