For this year, the daily minimum wage is 260.34 pesos in the Northern Border Free Zone (ZLFN) and 172.87 pesos in the rest of the country.
How much will the increase in the minimum wage be in 2023?
This Thursday morning, the Mexican government reported that the general minimum wage will go from 172 to 207 pesos per day, while for the border area it will increase from 260 to 312 pesos per day.
Luisa María Alcalde, Secretary of Labor, said that this measure benefits 6.4 million Mexicans and that the agreement to raise the minimum wage was unanimous between employers, workers and the government.
The business sector proposed a 15% increase, while the workers consider that the increase must be 25%. For its part, the government suggested 20%.
Last week, the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) in the voice of its president, José Medina Mora, argued that two aspects must be taken care of: that the salary increase does not generate inflation that translates into a decrease in purchasing power and that does not push workers into informality.
Medina Mora maintained that the goal is to bring the minimum wage to the welfare line in 2026.
The organization Acción Ciudadana Contra la Pobreza comments that the increase in the minimum wage must be 100 pesos (3,000 pesos per month), so that workers can buy two food baskets.
Salaries of less than 8,600 pesos per month are insufficient to buy two basic gray hairs, “which places workers and their families in poverty,” the organization said in a statement.