With the arrival of December, the end of year festivities bring with them not only moments of celebration, but also economic benefits that can alleviate the expenses of this time. Among them, stands out the Christmas bonusan additional contribution that can be monetary or in the form of useful products. Although it is not mandatory for all employers, it is a common practice that benefits many workers and pensioners.
Who gets the Christmas Bonus?
The Christmas Bonus is aimed mainly at three groups: pensioners, public sector workers and private sector employees with specific agreements. In the case of public employees, this bond It is usually regulated and has defined amounts, while for private sector workers, delivery depends on the policy of each company.
Is the Bonus mandatory in all sectors?
Despite being a highly valued tradition, the Christmas bonus It is not a universal right in all sectors. In the private sphere, employers are not obliged to grant it, unless there is an explicit agreement in the contract or a collective agreement that contemplates it. However, many companies decide to offer it as an incentive or recognition to their workers during the holidays.
What happens to public workers?
For public sector employees, the Christmas bonus It has amounts defined annually, according to financial reports. For example, in December 2024, workers who received a net salary equal to or less than $984,282 in November 2023 could receive a bonus of $66,089. Those with salaries between $984,282 and $3,259,429 gross could receive $34,959. Both amounts are financed by the Treasury and are delivered in full, without discounts.
What is the purpose of the Aguinaldo?
He Christmas bonus seeks to alleviate the expenses generated by end-of-year celebrations, such as dinners, gifts and family gatherings. Furthermore, in the case of products, such as Christmas baskets, it directly contributes to covering the basic needs of families during this season.
What should workers do to know if it corresponds to them?
To determine if you are eligible for the Christmas bonusyou should review your employment contract or collective agreements. Public employees and pensioners can consult the amounts and payment dates through reports issued by the Budget Directorate or the corresponding organization in their country. If you have any doubts, it is advisable to contact the human resources area or the entity that manages your salary or pension.