With the general budget of the Union voted yesterday (22) by the National Congress, deputies and senators officially begin this Friday (23) the parliamentary recess. The elected parliamentarians for the new legislature will take office on February 1, 2023, until then, a Representative Committee of the National Congress, which includes deputies and senators, will be on duty while the other parliamentarians are in recess. As provided for in the Federal Constitution, until January 31st, the representative commission is responsible for, among other prerogatives, ensuring the preservation of the legislative competence of the National Congress in view of the normative attribution of the other Powers, deliberating on various matters within the competence of Congress, supervising and control the acts of the Executive Power and exercise other attributions of an urgent nature, which cannot wait for the beginning of the next legislative period without prejudice to the country or its institutions.
For the Senate, the senators Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES), Eduardo Girão (Podemos-CE), Nelsinho Trad (PSD-MS), Carlos Fávaro (PSD-MT), Rogério Carvalho (PT-SE), Zenaide Maia (Pros-RN), Carlos Viana (PL-MG), Fernando Collor (PTB-AL) and Luiz Carlos do Carmo (PSC-GO). In the Chamber, the group comprises the deputies Adolfo Viana (PSDB-BA), André Fufuca (PP-MA)Dr. Zacharias Calil (União-GO), Eli Borges (PL-TO), Francisco Jr. (PSD-GO), Hildo Rocha (MDB-MA), Julio Cesar Ribeiro (Republicanos-DF), Juscelino Filho (União-MA), Kim Kataguiri (União-SP), Ruy Carneiro (PSC-PB), André Figueiredo ( PDT-CE), Igor Timo (PODE-MG), Elias Vaz (PSB-GO), Odair Cunha (PT-MG), Túlio Gadêlha (Rede-PE) and Adriana Ventura (Novo-SP).
Despite the recess, deputies and senators must return to Congress for the inaugural session of the president-elect, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and vice-president Geraldo Alckmin, on January 1st. Earlier this week, the president of the Senate and National Congress, senator Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), published the act of calling parliamentarians to the ritual of taking office in new positions – swearing in and signing the term of office – will be at 3 pm on the floor of the Chamber of Deputies.