Santo Domingo.-The administrator of the Robert Reid Children’s Hospital denounced yesterday that the delays and shortages in the supply of supplies are not his responsibility, but, on the contrary, are due to deficiencies in the Purchasing Department.
Jesús Polanco expressed in a sarcastic tone, “after two years, now this month Clemente Terrero realized that I hinder the purchasing processes”.
This is so, responding to statements by the director of the Center, Clemente Terrero, where he assured there was a shortage of supplies and medicines because supposedly from the Administration they have a blockade.
Polanco explained that he has stopped processes that violate the Purchasing and Contracting Law, including cases in which they want to buy inputs for up to three times their market price and without meeting the requirement of submitting at least three quotes.
“State money must be defended because it belongs to everyone and we cannot squander it,” he said.
When talking to EL DÍA, he said that from Purchasing, the person in charge selects who to send the requests to, instead of letting all the suppliers participate.
He indicated that in the quotes he received, in some cases, the inputs reached double or triple the price.
According to purchase orders, it could be verified that sodium chloride 0.9% was at 120.25 pesos in one price, while another had it at 65 pesos.
Another order corresponded to human albumin 20% at a price of 3,498.25 pesos, but when calling Warehouse they indicated that this protein was supplied by Promese, whose cost is 1,518 pesos.
“Processes must be streamlined, but within the framework of the Purchasing Law,” he said.