Home Central americaNicaragua “Hope without Borders”, the campaign that seeks to make visible the migration of young Nicaraguans

“Hope without Borders”, the campaign that seeks to make visible the migration of young Nicaraguans

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"Hope without Borders", the campaign that seeks to make visible the migration of young Nicaraguans

Faced with the exodus of young Nicaraguans who are forced to leave the country due to threats, political persecution and lack of opportunities, the Nicaraguan University Alliance (STILL) has launched the campaign “Hope Without Borders” with the purpose of making youth migration visible.

In a statement, the opposition organization said that in recent months the number of young people leaving the country has increased. Migration continues “fracturing thousands of Nicaraguan families,” he stressed.

“The pain that means saying goodbye to a mother, brother or friend, also becomes the hope of a dignified life, goals fulfilled and dreams achieved,” AUN stressed.

Related news: Overcrowding of Migration Delegations in Nicaragua Persists

He added that while young people “flee the harsh sociopolitical and economic conditions of the country, a product of the negligent management of the Nicaraguan State, they keep the hope of being able to return one day to the land where they were born; the hope that conditions will be better that day; the hope of sowing that seed that they want to see grow and flourish in Nicaragua.”

According to the political group, 34 young members of its members have been forced to leave Nicaragua due to political persecution, threats, siege and lack of opportunities in the country.

Long queues at immigration offices

In the last month there has been a high influx of Nicaraguans carrying out procedures in the different delegations of the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration.

Some of the citizens who make the long lines to process, especially, their passport, have the objective of leaving Nicaragua in search of a better future in another country.

Nicaraguan users have shared on social networks the long queues made by citizens, including young people, at the different Migration branches. This situation has alarmed the population, which indicates that Nicaragua will be “deserted” in the face of the exodus of Nicaraguan migrants.

According to the Center for Transdisciplinary Studies of Central America (Cetcam), the main destination country for Nicaraguan migrants used to be Costa Rica, but now it is changing to the United States.

The organization reiterated that forced displacement has become the most frequent form of migration in Nicaragua, due to “state violence and the deepening of the sociopolitical crisis” in the country.

The number of Nicaraguans leaving the country is rising to unprecedented numbers. Between January and September 2022, the United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP, for its acronym in English) registered that 126 thousand 287 Nicaraguans irregularly crossed the border to enter North American territory.

The US authorities alleged that this mass migration is due to the fact that many citizens are fleeing “failed authoritarian regimes in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba, which is contributing to a greater number of migrants trying to cross the border.”

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