Home South AmericaPeru Hernando Guerra García: “The vacancy is the fastest way for Castillo to leave power”

Hernando Guerra García: “The vacancy is the fastest way for Castillo to leave power”

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Hernando Guerra García: "The vacancy is the fastest way for Castillo to leave power"

congressman president of the , assures that he is not opposed to the debate of the bill on the advance of elections. However, he says that the quickest way out of the political crisis is vacancy.

Do you agree with the advance elections project?

I have to clarify, because it has been commented that I was against the project (presented by Podemos Peru), as if we did not want to give it a pass. The only thing I have done is to be respectful of a commission that has just been installed. Let’s see the work plan. Meanwhile, there are six congressmen who are insisting on early elections projects that coincide in some parts with the president of our party, Keiko Fujimori, but it is the commission that defines the order and priority. Yes, it is an important issue and a way out of the crisis. But I cannot advance an opinion because, as president of the commission, I have to be respectful.

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Congresswoman Digna Calle has criticized him for the same thing (We can)

I would have liked her to tell me directly, because she knows very well that we have not had any exceptions in the Constitution Commission. No one, even being a member of the Board of Directors, has any privilege over another. It is the congressmen (of the commission) who decide this. I would ask you to calm down. In any case, she can attend (the commission), mention it and discuss it. But I repeat, it is not the only way out of the crisis. There are other constitutional mechanisms.


I don’t lose hope that it will be a vacancy. What the president is doing and the obstructions make it much clearer that Castillo has no moral capacity. That path, which is faster (for Castillo to leave power), can advance.

How are you going to move forward if you don’t have the votes?

There are congressmen who have indicated that they are waiting for more information to take a position, but there are also others who have reflected and are on the side of the vacancy. It is only a sector of Congress that is missing, made up of armored congressmen from JPP and PL. But there are also those of us who from the beginning have considered that this president should go.


Interview Carlos Moran

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