More than 650,000 homes were left without electricity in the early afternoon of this Tuesday (7) in the metropolitan region of São Paulo, informed the concessionaire Enel. At around 2:35 pm, the concessionaire reported that there were 579,706 homes without service in the region. At 3:30 pm, Enel reduced the number of homes that remained without power to 150 thousand and reported instability on its page.
The hardest hit city was São Caetano do Sul, with 41,855 people without electricity, or 49.76% of customers. At the worst moment, 57% of the city’s homes were without electricity from the distributor. São Paulo and Santo André also had more than 5% of customers affected, around 500 thousand and 18 thousand, respectively. According to Enel, there was an incident involving the company’s transmission lines. The company reported that, in less than half an hour, the service was restored to around 500 thousand consumer units and that remote maneuvers continue to be carried out on the network to normalize the service as quickly as possible.
São Paulo city hall had a warning for flooding around 1 pm, for the southeast and east regions of the city. In Mooca, there was an overflow of the Vila Prudente stream, which has now returned to normal conditions with the displacement of the volume along the Tietê Basin. The south zone of the city and Marginal Pinheiros remain under alert since 12:27 pm. There was a record of hail in the west of the city.
According to the Fire Department, there were 75 calls for falling trees.
In São Caetano do Sul, a metal structure at a supermarket gave way, hitting cars in the parking lot, but there were no injuries.
Winds in the region reached 65 km/h, with trees falling and houses falling apart.
*Text updated at 4:12 pm