The National Meteorological Service (SMN) maintains the orange alert for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) and its surrounding regions due to a heat wave that was registered today, with a minimum of 28 degrees Celsius (°C) and a maximum of 39°C. Even so, they pointed out the existence of isolated storms at nightfall, so the temperature will drop and the humidity will do the opposite.
The heat wave It already produced temperatures of a maximum of 33°C and a minimum of 27.1°C on Friday, having up to 35°C the day after in CABA and the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA). For tomorrow, it is expected that the hot weather subside, although not much, traveling during the day 25°C minimum and 31°C maximum. For its part, on Tuesday the extremes will expand with a minimum of 23°C and a maximum of 34°C.
The high temperatures caused by the heat wave they have the possibility of surpassing even the record they reached on January 15, 2022, when CABA registered the highest temperature in the last 64 years, this being 41.2°C. With the Orange alert Launched by the SMN, crucial information is provided for health, mainly for risk groups, which are the elderly, infants, babies and people with certain chronic diseases.
The advice that the SMN intends to abide by citizens as a whole are: increase water consumption even without feeling thirsty (particularly in older adults who may lose this sensation); avoid exposing yourself to the sun at central hours (if you do, use protective accessories such as hats and sunglasses); also avoid alcoholic or sugary drinks; avoid abundant or heavy meals; significantly reduce physical activity; wear light clothing with light colors and stay in ventilated spaces.

Orange alert in the interior of the country
The SMN ordered the alert that it launched in CABA also for the northeastern regions of Corrientes, southern Misiones, western San Luis, eastern Mendoza and a large part of La Pampa. All of them are affected by the eighth heat wave of the current summer

In almost the opposite way, the yellow alert was issued for storms in six other provinces of the country, the affected territories being those of the southwest of Buenos Aires, the center of La Pampa, the south of San Luis, and the south of Mendoza. Finally, it should be noted that in the south of Chubut and the north of Santa Cruz there is a yellow alert, but due to strong winds.