Dr. Carlos Morínigo, director of the Asunción Polyclinic, said that the loss of vaccines could be due to various aspects, but a very decisive one is essentially the bad way of facing the vaccination campaign in the context of communication.
“People don’t give of themselves, but the Ministry is also not arriving efficiently, since it has to go out and vaccinate people house by house. The correct health strategy would be to identify the foci in which there is a smaller number of unvaccinated people to focus on those places, “said the doctor.
Likewise, the director of the Polyclinic also pointed out that people should improve their approach with the doses: no longer focus on talking about 3rd or 4th, but on two annual doses that should be applied.
This he pointed out by referring to the fact that, when speaking of booster, people automatically feel that there is no need to apply the vaccine again. This when Covid-19 should already be treated in terms of immunization in the same way that influenza is treated: the vaccine is applied every year.