With the beginning of the school year, one of the requirements for students to participate in physical education classes in schools and colleges is the presentation of the medical certificate.
Dr. Jimmy Jiménez, head of the Department and Department of Pediatrics, said that both the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education and Culture recommend a clinical check-up for students before starting physical education activities in educational centers.
Children and adolescents must go to pediatric medical evaluation consultations, in order to verify their physical condition and certify whether or not they are in optimal conditions to practice sports or physical exercises according to their age.
He explained that these controls also serve teachers so that they are careful not to exaggerate with the exercises, and these are done in adequate environmental conditions, taking into account the high temperatures, for which it is recommended that these activities be developed at appropriate times in it’s not so hot.
“With the check-up, what we pediatricians evaluate is whether or not the student is fit to perform exercises. Then we assess the physical conditions with the adequate history and laboratory ranges and the electrocardiogram, which is not usually necessary, but, since it is an annual control, it is the most recommended, ”he indicated.
He added that if doubts arise regarding the patient’s clinical situation, then more specialized studies are requested or referred to a child-juvenile specialist (cardiopediatrician or neuropediatrician), in case the conditions do not fit certain sports practices.
Vision and hearing control
He argued that healthy children should have annual eye and hearing checkups.
Pediatricians recommend a vision check with an ophthalmologist, before starting the school year, and hearing with an otolaryngologist or audiometry studies, in order to check that no condition interferes with learning.
Finally, he urged parents to take their children to the Vaccination Centers authorized to be immunized against Covid-19.
“Children from 5 years of age must be inoculated, because the vaccine is an urgent need and both parents, grandparents, children, we must all be vaccinated”, remarked the pediatrician.